Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The boys had a fun halloween this year. I tried talking Kaiden into being something cute again this year (like a pirate) but he was stuck on being spiderman. So I got him a spiderman costume and he tried it on the week before halloween, and it's a good thing because I grabbed the wrong size and it was way too small but perfect for Connor. So we set out to find another spiderman, but after three stores Kaiden settled for Optimus Prime and loved it. They got to dress up three times... Our ward's Halloween Carnival, Boo at the Zoo, and then Halloween night trick-or-treating. Kaiden was really into trick-or-treating running from house to house, then we would make him wait for Connor to catch up. Anyway, here are some pictures from our fun nights.

Kaiden (trying really hard not to smile) at the Halloween carnival

Connor AKA Spiderman

Going Fishin'

Connor trying to get his donut (he had powderd sugar all over his face the rest of the night)

The boys at boo at the zoo

Searching through the leaves

Daddy and Kaiden on Halloween (and ofcourse Cambrie in the stroller). Connor was not in a picture taking mood:(

Iron Man getting ready to go trick-or-treating


Reddington Clan said...

That is funny Stephen was also Optimus Prime for Halloween while Jack was bumblebee. I also wanted them to both be something cute but failed miserably! I hope all is going well with the new baby!!

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

That gives me no hope for a few years from now when Abigail has an opinion on what to be for Halloween. As long as it isn't Barbie, or Hannah Montana, I think I'll be okay. Your kids look cute though. And it's always nice when you can wear the costume multiple times

Katie said...

Thats not Iron Man......thats Optimus Prime....sheesh, get em straight. hee hee

they look cute! I had iron man.....

Kluane said...

Ooops... can you tell I'm no good at super hero names- ha ha

Miranda said...

Halloween is so fun, I hate it when you can't meet your kids expectations, so I am glad he was happy as Optimus Prime, or whoever it is...I wouldn't have known the diff. either!